Attract beautiful butterflies to your garden with a butterfly bush.
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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Butterfly Bushes
I live on Vancouver Island where things tend to grow extremely well. I love the looks of butterfly bush and was hoping to get one until I attended a talk on alien invasive species. Butterfly bush was right up there along with yellow flag irises, giant hogweed, knotweed and daphne. These invasive species are taking over so that native plants are dying out and consequently wildlife is losing food sources and habitat. I'm sure butterfly bush is native somewhere but it's a bad idea for this area! I've already spent hours trying to dig out the matted mass of yellow iris rhizomes from a small pond in my garden. I don't know if I'll ever get them out. They are so pretty when they bloom but who knew? The Canadian government has invasive species resources for identification and offers alternatives for planting. I'd encourage all of us to do our homework before we bring home that "vigorous" plant from the nursery!
Hi! My Mother in law gave me a butterfly bush that was transplanted from her yard down our road. It's huge, and happy,but has never had flowers. I trim it every spring. Any advice would be appreciated!
Hi, Abbey. It sounds like your butterfly bush might be stressed. Is it planted in a spot where it gets a lot of sun? That is important. Also, go easy on the fertilizer. Sometimes too much fertilizer can encourage leaf growth but stunt blooms. If this season once again disappoints without blooms, we would suggest cutting it down to about four inches above the soil in early spring. Good luck!
Hi, Question: 2 out of 3 of my butterfly may possibly be dead, one of which is 5 feet from the other. I'm hoping they are going to start new growth. I don't cut or prune them. I'm not sure what to do, I've read to trim them (dead head) then one article said cut them to the ground. Does any one have any different ideas or let me know what I should do. Thank you.
Hi, Rick. The best thing to do is to severely cut the bush back. The sooner the better. This type of care is done in late fall or early spring.
I read the Dill plant is a host for Black Swallowtail Butterflies;
Not a gardener but this year decided to get a butterfly bush it was doing really well I was over the moon & exited that I managed to start growing something but it’s startling to wilt the leaves r curling what can I do ☹️
I recently planted a butterfly bush in a full sun flower bed. The flowers and leaves wilt by noon, even though they’ve been watered in the morning. The soil one inch below mulched surface is damp. Too much or not enough water?
I just purchased 2 Buddleia alternifola plants and excited to plant them but must wait until June 1st (zone 3b). I'm wondering how big these get 8n our short growing season?
One one page your writer say" Despite the “butterfly” name, keep in mind that this shrub is not a “host plant” for butterflies in that it does not support butterfly reproduction and lifecycle." When I follow the link to See plants that will attract butterflies it lists the same butterfly bush/buddleia as a plant that will feed butterflies throughout their life cycles. So which is it? Buddleia/butterfly bush good or bad?